Hello Family and Friends,
How you all doing? What's happening back on home? Hope summer has been treating you well so far. Just wanted to begin by telling dad, "Happy Father's Day!" You are the best dad in the world, and I just wanted to let you know that I love you. Well, this week decided to give all of Taiwan a big surprise, a huge rainstorm. Even though this left us with no one to talk to on the streets and completely soaked, we still went forth and worked our hardest.
Monday was a super relaxing day for us. We began by writing letters to friends and then decided to go to the church so that I could play the piano. Lets just say that I'm going to have to start taking lessons again because my fingers and hands just could not play some of the songs that I absolutly love. We then spent a wondeful day and night full of "ultimate contacting."
Tuesday we had a wonderful district training meeting on "Having the Fire to Find", but it felt like the pouring rain put that fire right on out. The streets were left empty and lessons were canceled, all except for one. We were able to visit with our "golden man", Huang dx, and we finished teaching the Plan of Salvation and his mind was just blown away that God's plan for us is truly possible through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We then watched the Restoration film with him to help him visualize it all. He mentioned that he felt a "cool" feeling as God and Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. No matter how many times I watch that film, I get the same exact feeling that he felt, and it was great to help him realize that that is the Holy Ghost working with us.
Thursday we decided to travel on over to one of our secondary areas to visit with a less-active member. We shared with him that reading the scriptures, praying, and coming to church is the foundation of our testimony. We showed him the example with the 3 cups and 3 forks (that Anthony showed me at Christmas time) to help him realize the importance of those 3 things. If we forget about 1, temptations will come and our testimony or faith will fall. It is so important that we do those 3 things often. I have personally seen in my life that when I have done them, that my life has gone a lot smoother and I've been a lot happier. I have also seen in my life when I have forgotten to do one or the other and although life still went well, at that time, I didn't feel the same happiness that I felt when I did. It is through those small and simple things, that great things are brought to pass (a long lasting happiness).
Friday we had a great lesson with Dong dx who just has not progress at all. We shared with him Alma 32 on the seed of faith, teaching him that we have to take action by first planting the seed (reading, praying, and coming to church). If we don't plant it, it will not grow. It just sits there as a small seed having the potential to be the Great Deku Tree. We invited him plant the seed and show his faith in reading daily and coming to church with us on sunday and he commited to do so. However, recently there has been no change, he decided not to plant his seed of faith and so we ended up dropping him this week.
Saturday we ended up going out proselyting with a member from GaoXiong named Tyler. He wanted me to tell you all "Hello!" for him. We traveled to a few places to visit a few less-actives and ended up clueless/lost on top of a mountain, unable to find these places. Ended the day by traveling home and sending Tyler back on up to GaoXiong. (Tyler told me he added the entire family on facebook...)
Sunday was beautiful day. I just love the feeling that Sunday brings, it truly is a day that is seperated from the rest. We were able to visit with Huang dx again and shared with him about the seed of faith from Alma 32, and shared that God has given us commandments and that we plant that seed, show our faith, by starting to live the commandments. At first it my seem ridiculous, but as you continue to live them, blessings and happiness from the Lord will begin to come, helping us know that the principles and blessings of the commandments are true. We then shared with him the 10 commandments along with the word of wisdom because he had previously brought up questions about both. He had brought with him to the lesson black tea, but was willing to plant that seed of faith and grabbed it all and poured it down the drain. He truly does have desire to follow the commandments and bring his life more in harmony with the teachings of the Savior. I absolutely love this kid and know he has a firm desire to change.
Our mission has a saying that goes 有信心有辦法 which means 'if you have faith, there's a way'. Today I came across a scripture that goes perfectly along with that. Luke 1:37 says, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." I absolutley love this scripture and I know that it is true. It is through Him that our weaknesses can be made into strengths, we can overcome the trials that life brings to each and everyone of us, and we can receive sense of peace and joy in this life. I love you all and hope that each of you will remember that with God, nothing is impossible.
Love the One and Only,