Sunday, November 11, 2012

Elder Smith, November 2012
Hey Everyone!
What's up?  How's it all going?  Wow, a lot has gone by in just one week!  Snow is finally here...well, for some of us, and the elections have gone by.  Dad, congratulations on the big WIN!  I know you'll do great on the school board.  I don't really know what you'll be doing, but just go out and do what you know best.  As for Grandpa Kohkonen, 加油!  I saw some pictures of your leg and boy does that look painful.  Just know there is a young 20 year old praying for you on the other side of the world.  Well, this week was a bit crazy here in XiaoGang!  We were able to see the hand of the Lord many times helping us along the way.  Let's get on down with this week shall we?
Monday we were able to visit with one of our new investigators, Brother Chen.  He was referred to us by a member and absolutely loved the free feeling he had when attending church the previous day before.  His family has a Catholic background, but he has no firm religion and so he has lots and lots of questions.  We answered his biggest question by teaching him the role of prophets, priesthood authority, and the Restoration.  He has a huge desire to change his life around and to know for himself if these things are true.  Tuesday night we were able to visit with him again and to teach the rest of the message of the Restoration.  He still had lots of questions and they all led perfectly into the Plan of Salvation.  Both Saturday and Sunday we were able to teach him the Plan of Salvation and how the center of the plan is Jesus Christ.  It is through Christ and his Atonement that we are able to change our lives around.  Repent.  It may sound easy for some, but for others may seem impossible.  However, nothing is impossible with the Lord on your side.  With faith we can do accomplish anything.  
Thursday we were able to visit with our Brother Zhuang and shared with him the Plan of Salvation.  Since he has a pretty good knowledge of the Bible we figured we would use some parts from the Bible to back up the plan and to show how the Book of Mormon explains more about what the Bible says.  Well, didn't get too far (past pre-earth life) before running into some concerns.  One thing that I love most is that anyone can come to know if this message really is true or not.  It just comes with a personal desire and faith to take action.  And it will not come from what two white young boys say, but it will come by the Holy Ghost bearing witness of it's truthfulness, "And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." (Moroni 10:5).   
I know today's email is a little short.  We are a little rushed today but I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Actually, I'm grateful for the decision I made to be baptized.  It was by that decision that I received the gift and constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.  As long as I, and those who receive it, are worthy, we qualify for the continued guidance and help that the Holy Ghost brings us.  I'm grateful that the Holy Ghost has taught me truth throughout my life, leading me down the right path.  I know as we heed such promptings, we will be warned, guided, and protected.  I love you all.  Be safe.  Remember who you are and who you represent.
Love you all,